Cycle of Life Project
Cycle of Life Project
Our Cycle of Life Project is a great initiative to engage cyclists and local communities, we cover the whole of Manchester but we are considering going national with it. We will be asking local residents to donate unwanted bikes which we collect, clean and repair if required all at our cost and then deliver to worthy nominees.
We have had the help of postman and other local residents who have also found abandoned bikes for us which have been cleaned and repaired and delivered to new homes, Re-Cycled!
If you have a bike that you would like to donate or know a worthy nominee please email us on CLP@twowheelclaim.co.uk
Our Cycle of Life Project is really taking off. Recycling unwanted bikes, collecting cleaning, repairing and delivering at our cost for worthy nominees.
- We have donated several bikes to people who have contacted us to say that they are struggling with mental health particularly during lockdown and how they felt that a bike would help them including ex servicemen.
- We have donated bikes to some homeless Charities including Coffee4Craig in Manchester City Centre.
- Donated 40 bikes since October through recycling the bikes – collecting, cleaning, repairing and delivering to worthy homes.
- The bikes have largely come to us through word of mouth and community spirit.
- Some examples are a nurse who had her bike stolen from outside a care home so we replaced it.
- We donated 12 to a children’s shelter before Christmas for children in temporary care who would not have otherwise got presents at Christmas.
- We donated 4 to Ronald McDonald House and aim to donate 4 per month to Ronald McDonald Houses across the North West then country for parents of kids in hospital to be able to get out and about if needed.
- To some single mothers who reached before Christmas saying that they were struggling to afford presents for Christmas so again we provided a few refurbed bikes.
- Another for a teenage girl so she could do shopping for her Grandma who was shielding due to COVID.
- A couple to an MMA gym for kids who have nothing